Tuesday, February 11, 2025
The following items are freely accessible: Theosophical History Vol. 1-12, Theosophical History Occasional Papers Vol. 1-8, and all THC publications. Later issues of Theosophical History and the Occasional Papers are password-protected. To access this material, please contact Tim Rudbøg at timrudboeg@hum.ku.dk

Volume I

Index of Contents

Theosophical History: Vol. I, No. 1
January 1985

Editorial: The Scope of Theosophical History Leslie Price
S.P.R. Archives: The Stack Memorandum J. Herbert Stack (Introduction by Leslie Price)
Review: The Voice of the Silence by H.P. Blavatsky Jean Overton Fuller
Theosophical History Centre  

Theosophical History: Vol. I, No. 2 
April 1985

Editorial: After a hundred years Leslie Price
Krishnamurti and Blavatsky Jean Overton Fuller
S.P.R. Archives: Astral Bells In Notting Hill Accounts by F.W. Thurstan, Edmund Gurney, and Frederic W.H. Myers (Introduction and Comments by Leslie Price)
Theosophical History Centre  

Theosophical History: Vol. I, No. 3
July 1985

Editorial: Jesus in Theosophical History Leslie Price
The “Anacalypsis” of Godfrey Higgins – precursor of H.P.B.  Leslie Shepard
S.P.R. Archives: The British Letter
News:  A New Star in the East  
International Conference on Theosophical History  

Theosophical History: Vol. I, No. 4
October 1985

Editorial: Why We Are Independent Leslie Price
The Blavatsky Case on the Eve of the Centenary Leslie Price
Future Issues
Book Review: The Alchemist of the Golden Dawn  Jean Overton Fuller
S.P.R. Archives: The First S.P.R. Man at Adyar? [Introduction and letter to F. W. H. Myers from C. C. M. (C. C. Massey) and Lane-Fox’s statement in “Borderland” (April 1895)]
Correspondence:  Paul Johnson, Jean Overton Fuller  
A Lost Account of Theosophical Origins (Letter from C.C. Massey)   
Astral Bells [Testimony in the “First SPR Report  
Lodge Archives Leslie Price
Theosophical History Centre

Theosophical History: Vol. I, No. 5
January 1986

Editorial: Esoteric Sections and the Historian Leslie Price
The Modern Occult Revival in Vienna: 1880 – 1910 Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Massey’s Resignation and the S.P.R. Leslie Price
The Italian Connection Leslie Price
Early Steps into Shakespeare or Bacon Jean Overton Fuller
Correspondence:  J. H. Dubbink  
Theosophical History Centre

Theosophical History: Vol. I, No. 6
April 1986

S.P.R. Press Statement
H. N. Stokes and the O. E. Library Critic Prof. James Santucci
Obituary: Krishnamurti Jean Overton Fuller 
S.P.R. Archives: H.P.B. Annotations in Madame Coulomb’s Pamphlet in the Archives of the Society for Psychical Research, London Michael Gomes 
Theosophical History Centre

Theosophical History: Vol. I, No. 7
July 1986

Editorial: The Challenge of Rudolf Steiner  Leslie Price
Dr. Rudolf Steiner on Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H.J. Spierenburg (trans. by J.H. Molijn)
The Real Origin of the Theosophical Society Quaestor Vitae (Introduction by Leslie Price)
Book Review: The Comte de Saint-Germain, The Secret of Kings Jean Overton Fuller
Theosophical History Centre  

Theosophical History: Vol. I, No. 8
October 1986

Editorial: Historians and Pioneers  Leslie Price
Mary Unveiled Daniel H. Caldwell and Michelle B. Graye
S.P.R. Archives: An Earlier Hodgson Report Leslie Price
Dr. Rudolf Steiner on the Mahatmas: Part I H.J. Spierenburg (trans. by J.H. Molijn)
Lodge History: London Lodge C.W. Leadbeater
The Waxworks Phenomenon
Leslie Price
The Mythology Symposium and History
Call for Papers: Second International Conference on Theosophical History
Book Review: The Inner Group Teachings of H.P. Blavatsky
Adam Warcup
Theosophical History Centre