Saturday, January 25, 2025
The following items are freely accessible: Theosophical History Vol. 1-12, Theosophical History Occasional Papers Vol. 1-8, and all THC publications. Later issues of Theosophical History and the Occasional Papers are password-protected. To access this material, please contact Tim Rudbøg at

THC Publications

Theosophical History Center Publications

Theosophy and the Theosophical Society (1985)
by James A. Santucci

A brief historical introduction to Theosophy. 40 pages.


Madame Blavatsky Unveiled? (1986)
by Leslie Price

A critical discussion of the 1885 Report, in the context of the wider questions of H.P.B.’s work.


J’Accuse: An Examination of the Hodgson Report of 1885 (1986)
by Dr. Vernon Harrison

Offprint of the article by Vernon Harrison in the Journal of the SPR, Vol. 53, No. 803 (April 1986): 286–310.

For the print copy, contact James Santucci (  Price: $3:00.


 Madame Blavatsky: The ‘Veiled’ Years: Light From Gurdjieff or Sufism? (1987)
by Paul Johnson

Evidence that H.P.B. was a Sufi and the T.S. a Sufi project.


  Autobiography of Alfred Percy Sinnett (1986)
by A.P. Sinnet

Published in full for the first time. A.P. Sinnett (1840 – 1921) was one of the main recipients of the Mahatma Letters. He was Vice-President of The Theosophical Society (Adyar). His most notable books were The Occult World and Esoteric Buddhism.

First edition, November 1986.


 100 Years of Modern Occultism: A Review of the Parent Theosophical Society (1987)
by Leslie Leslie-Smith

A centenary account, from an English perspective.


 The Golden Dawn & The Esoteric Section (1987)
by R.A. Gilbert

Evidence that H.P.B. was a Sufi and the T.S. a Sufi project.


 Bibliography of H.P. Blavatsky (1987)
by Jean-Paul Guignette

A compilation of various studies on H.P. Blavatsky.


 Theosophia In Neo-Platonic & Christian Literature (1988)
by Dr. Jean-Louis Siemons

32 pages.


Senzar: The Mystery of the Mystery Language (1988)
by John Algeo

32 pages.


The Beginnings of Theosophy in France (1989)
by Joscelyn Godwin

39 pages.