Tuesday, February 11, 2025
The following items are freely accessible: Theosophical History Vol. 1-12, Theosophical History Occasional Papers Vol. 1-8, and all THC publications. Later issues of Theosophical History and the Occasional Papers are password-protected. To access this material, please contact Tim Rudbøg at timrudboeg@hum.ku.dk

Volume II

Index of Contents

Theosophical History: Vol. II, No. 1 (UNAVAILABLE)
January 1987

The Coulombs Jean Overton Fuller
H.N. Stokes’ Early Contact With the Theosophical Society James A. Santucci
Dr. Rudolf Steiner on the Mahatmas: Part II. J. Spierenburg, (Trans. by J.H. Molijn)
A Word of Warning Walter A. Carrithers, Jr.


Theosophical History: Vol. II, No. 2 (UNAVAILABLE)
April 1987

“Mr. Sinnett and Mary”(Letter of C. Jinarajadasa) Dr. Gottfried de Purucker: An Occult Biography H.J. Spierenburg (Trans. by J.H. Molijn)
S.P.R. Archives: “The 1882 British Crisis” Introduction by Leslie Price


Theosophical History: Vol. II, No. 3 (UNAVAILABLE)
July 1987

“Address of the President: October 21st 1883 To the London Lodge of The Theosophical Society” Anna Kingsford
The Genesis and Aims of Theosophical University Library John Van Mater
T. Subba Row, ‘The Secret Doctrine’ and Madame H.P. Blavatsky N.C. Ramanujachary
Joseph Bibby of Liverpool Grace Reed




Theosophical History: Vol. II, No. 4 (UNAVAILABLE)
 October 1987

Some Psychic Experiences: Introduction by the Editor [A.P. Sinnett] Mabel Collins
“Jiddu Krishnamurti and ‘The Return of Madame Blavatsky'” [Part I] [Address of the Honorary President (1987) read at The Second International Conference on Theosophical History, Walter A. Carrithers, Jr.]


Theosophical History: Vol. II, No. 5 (UNAVAILABLE)
January 1988

“Mars and its Inhabitants” C.W. Leadbeater
The Brotherhood of Light and The Brotherhood of Luxor David Board
Nagarjuna: His Biography and His Book ‘Paramartha’ H.J. Spierenburg (Trans. by J.H. Molijn)
Jiddu Krishnamurti and ‘The Return of Madame Blavatsky Walter A. Carrithers, Jr.


Theosophical History: Vol. II, No. 6 (UNAVAILABLE)
April 1988

In Defense of Alice A. Bailey J. Miller
“Mme. Blavatsky: A Theosophical Occult Apology” A.L. Rawson
The English Section and the House of Commons Kevin Tingay


Theosophical History: Vol. II, No. 7 (UNAVAILABLE)
July 1988

Albert Leighton Rawson Paul Johnson
The Clergy and The British Theosophical Society Leslie Price
H.P.B., Dorjeff, and the Mongolian Connection Joscelyn Godwin
Did ‘The Secret Doctrine’ Succeed? Leslie Price


Theosophical History: Vol. II, No. 8 (UNAVAILABLE)
October 1988

New Editions of Old Books: A Proposal John Algeo
Theosophy for the Future J. Miller
Tsong-kha-pa: His Life and Work according to H.P. Blavatsky H.J. Spierenburg, (Trans. by J.H. Molijn)